Look good, feel better
Remote working and spending most of your time in the house is, for many, an opportunity to substitute style for comfort, from ‘showing out’ clothes to ‘staying in’ clothes. Which is totally understandable. When times are stressful, you opt for wearing what makes you feel most relaxed.
But spending the whole day in a tracksuit isn’t for me. Nor is opting for a ‘day pyjamas’ and ‘night pyjamas’ mix. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not judging anyone who takes this sartorial route as you need to do what works for you – but I know that, for me, wearing stylish clothes while on lockdown keeps my spirits up. In fact, there have been studies which show that people perform better cognitively (and are happier) when wearing smart clothes, as opposed to a casual outfit. It all helps to create a positive mental attitude.Which is essential when you’re trying to help a sometimes reluctant 10–year–old with their home schooling…
Friday is when I really pull out all the stops, as I have a Houseparty or Zoom video call with friends – all of us wearing something special and drinking wine together.Well, virtually together. It truly is a tonic for the soul. Try it!
I’d been really excited at the prospect of taking lots of pics of myself outdoors in fabulous locations, wearing some of Cabi’s brilliant clothing – as part of my Spring 2020 ambassador role with the brand. But I’m adapting to show you these items at home for the moment. As you know, I love colour and yellow is definitely a favourite so this Cabi Reef Knot blouse was a perfect choice for me. I’ve teamed it together with a pair of white Lido cropped trousers and Bow Kitten heel shoes.

For me, wearing great fashion, reading about fashion and looking at great fashion imagery is an essential escape from the constant coronavirus updates on the news. Like you, I imagine, it all makes me anxious and fashion offers an escape into a world that can feel like it’s been put on hold. But we can still look good and connect with friends digitally. And once we are on the other side of this crisis, I can’t wait to go out and reconnect with friends face-to-face once again, wearing some of my brilliant Cabi outfits.
And if you’ve ever asked me to go out for a night previously, and I’ve said no because I was tired or had a big meeting the next day or whatever. I guarantee I will never say no again. I am going out to EVERYTHING.
Keep safe, big love to you all.
Coral x